IMP have experienced team in all market research
sectors like Qualitative, Quantitative, CATI, Data
Entry and Data Processing.
PAPI & Others
Telephonic interviews – CATI
Medical Interviews
Panel Studies
Mystery Surveys
Online interviews
Exit interviews
Central Location Testing exercises (CLT)
Tracking Studies
PAPI : Paper And Pencil Interviewing. Data obtained from the interview is filled in on a paper form using a pencil.
CAPI : Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing. This method is very much similar to the PAPI method, but the data is directly entered into a computer program instead of first using paper forms.
WAPI : Web Assisted Personal Interviewing. The respondents answer the questions online, but they are also assisted online in doing so.
CASI : Computer Assisted Self Interviewing. The CASI method involves respondents taking place behind the computer themselves in order to fill in the questionnaire.
CAWI : Computer Assisted Web Interviewing. Online research in which data is obtained electronically using online questionnaires. These questionnaires contain references so that the correct questions are asked to each respondent.
CATI : Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing. The questions are usually presented to the interviewers on a computer screen, after which they ask them to the respondents. To ensure that the correct questions are asked to each respondent, the specialized computer software uses "skips": Certain answers can lead to the next question being different. This also prevents the respondent from having to answer irrelevant questions.
TAPI : Tablet Assisted Personal Interviewing. This method is virtually identical to the CAPI method, but the data is entered into a tablet instead of a computer/laptop.
TASI : Tablet Assisted Self Interviewing. This method is virtually identical to the CASI method, but the data is entered into a tablet instead of a computer/laptop.
SAPI : Smartphone Assisted Personal Interviewing. With this method, the data is entered into a smartphone by the interviewer.
SASI : Smartphone Assisted Self Interviewing. With this method, the data is entered into a smartphone by the respondent.
We have 15 stations upgraded to 25 stations in Cairo office, 6 stations upgraded to 12 in Jeddah office
Using Dialer system
We use VOIP to do interviews across all Arab countries