Many years of experience in market research operation with leader market research companies in WPP group taking advantage to lead big divisions and projects in the group as example:
Regional Operations Director for IMP from December 2014 till now handling Healthcare & consumer projects
Input Operation manager for Kantar Worldpanel KSA (Merac Arabia) for 6 years and 7 months ( March 2008- November 2014).
Operation field manager for TNS Tracking KSA (Merac Arabia) including TNS-Tracker syndicated for 4 years ( June 2010- June 2014).
Regional manager for Jeddah Provincial in TNS KSA (Merac Arabia) for 2 years (2007-2008).
Handling many international clients and important projects like Needscope, BAT and NCB across many years from 2003 up till November 2014.